1.) Name of Quadrangle
- Beverly Hills
2.) Names of Adjacent Quadrangles
- Canoga Park (NW),
- Van Nuys (N),
- Burbank (NE),
- Topanga (W),
- Hollywood (E),
- Venice (S)
- Inglewood (SE)
3.) Quadrangle (Map) First Created
- 1966
4.) Datum
- North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)
5.) Scale
- 1 : 24,000
6.) Conversions Using Scale 1,200 meters 1.89 miles 2.64" 12.5 cm
7.) Contour Interval
- 20 feet
8.) Geographic Coordinates
a.) Public Affairs Building
- D/M/S: N Lat 34 degrees 4' 28" , W Lon: 118 degrees 26' 21"
- Decimal: N Lat 34.075 degrees , W Lon: 118.44 degrees
b.) tip of Santa Monica Pier
- D/M/S: N Lat 34 degree 0' 27" , W Lon 118 degrees 30' 0"
- Decimal: N Lat 34.01 degrees , W Lon 118.5 degrees
c.) top of Upper Franklin Canyon Resivoir
- D/M/S: N Lat 34 degrees 7' 23" , W Lon 118 degrees 27' 20"
- Decimal: N Lat 34.12 degrees , W Lon 118.46 degrees
9.) Elevation

a.) Greystone Mansion (in Greystone Park)
- 495 feet
- 150.86 meters
b.) Woodlawn Cemetary
- 140 feet
- 42.67 meters
c.) Crestwood Hills park
- 660 feet
- m= 201.12 meters
10.) UTM Zone
- Zone 11
11.) UTM Coordinates
- 61 333m E , 62 975m N
12.) Number of square meters in a cell
- 1,000,000 m in one cell
13.) Elevation Across 73 71 000 Northin
14.) Magnetic Declination
- 14degrees East
15.) Direction of stream flow between 405 Freeway and Stone Canyon Reservoir
- southward flow
16.) Map of UCLA

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